They all have a story

As Wizzard Race keeps getting good reviews on the App Store we wanted to share with you the stories of characters one more time. Maybe you will find connection with one of them.


Name: Flanagan
Race: Leprechaun
Age: 245 years
Height: 132 cm

Weight: 34 kg


Flannagan is a free spirit, going and doing whatever he wishes to do. Everyone knows him as the sarcastic leprechaun, who only listens to himself.  He can destroy someone with mere words though he prefers to destroy others with powerful spells and enchantments. His true purpose however, is to win the Race and not for glory or fame.

When he was young, Flannagan found a worn out journal written eons ago by his ancestor.  It described what might be the essence of the magic in Certamen. His interest grew and the little scriptures were not enough to satisfy a curious little leprechaun. So he set out on an adventure to find the full story, maybe gain a few friends and enemies along the way, strengthen his magic, have a few laughs and of course, if fame and…

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Wizzard Race officially launched

That’s it. 13 months of tireless and self-sacrificing work have finally come to an end. Wizzard Race was launched today on October 2nd, 2014.  We have given up our jobs and set aside our family and friends for something that we believe will change our lives for good. Now, it is up to the gamers to decide what will happen to the magical Wizards of Certamen!

Click here for the Link download


Flanagan is getting his broom bristles clean while Mad Joe is fixing his hair. Anabel is charging her wand with magic skills while Louis is saying prayers. They are all getting ready for the greatest race wizardkind has ever seen! Now let the race begin! Let us see who will take possession of the magical Eneth!

Here is the App Store link please download it and leave a review

Wizzard Race: A Grand competition every 10K years

It is a special day for us, today we finally have the launch date set. Wizzard Race will hit the AppStore on October 2nd and this is for all the marbles.


As we are about to launch our pioneer game, Wizzard Race, we thought it was the right time to give you an idea what the story behind the game is.

Wizzard Race Announcement Trailer

The good ol’ days of Gaming seem to be over

In the recent years the gaming industry grows like a baby whale grows 90 pounds every 24 hours. Around 200 hundred games with are submitted in the App Store daily of which the majority have been made within a few weeks with not much thought put into them. Some of these games do not even have a plot or story behind them. It seems like the good old days of gaming are gone, when the gamers were truly part of an amazing story. Wasn’t it better back then?

That is why from day one we strived to create something unique. We don’t want to be…

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Life at the startup: One week before the launch

It is early sunday morning, while some people stay at home I have decided to spend my morning with Etta James (Sunday kind of love) and some tourists who have decided to wake up early in the morning and walk around the city.

While I observe these tourists one thing I keep thinking about is the decision making process they had before going to another country. Have you ever done that? So many options and factors to analyze before making the decision. First you look at the options then you have to choose the one based on your priorities, price, climate or political/ideological differences (Some people go to Cuba because of their communist ideology, some choose to go to Monaco to play in a casino while others go to Ibiza, well because they want to be in Ibiza).


BTW This is Ibiza for most of the people!

This decision making process follows us everywhere. The same applies to game devs.

We work tirelessly for a year or so and every month feels the final one for the release of the game. You talk to your marketing team and they plan their game accordingly. Then again the same old story. I think the image below tells the story better.

I would like to know one developer who didn’t had this issue. Show your face master!

I would like to know one developer who didn’t had this issue. Show your face master!

Believe it or not after 2 rounds of beta testing and lots of bug fixing we are through. The feedback from beta tests were positive so we have submitted the game to Apple and can’t wait to have it available on the AppStore. (not that the whole world have been waiting for this but we do have our own fans, hopefully).

However before making the decision to submit the game they were some issues that we had to consider. First, the release of iPhone 6 and its bigger brother iPhone 6 Plus was a real headache. We had to decide whether we want to support iOS 8 right now or we can launch the game without the support. There was also the android version launch date issue.

Look at these two cute brothers!

Look at these two cute brothers!

At the end here is what we have decided. Launch the game without iOS 8 support before iPhone 6 is in the stores. Have the iOS 8 support once we have the device in our hands. (Believe it or not it is ridiculously difficult to have one these days)

Launch the game on android 3 months after the initial launch of the game. Last but by no means the least, give regular updates based on user feedback.


Now you know about our plans. What is yours?

That said We would like to wish all of the game dev community out there good luck and success in your endeavours.





Why is Wizzard Race so unique ? Part 1

As we are getting close to the launch of Wizzard Race, we thought it would be good to share again the description of one of the main modes of the game-Circuit. We have also updated the screenshots in the post.


After our previous blog post about the revolution in Ukraine we think its time to come back to the Land of Certamen where Wizards fly around on broomsticks and explain why Wizzard Race is so unique.

We believe the uniqueness of our game is that it provides a one of a kind racing game that connects the joy of racing and wizard magic. Before you even start this fascinating journey you have to choose one of our six innovative characters. Follow our blog in the future to learn more about our characters and how they became wizards.

There is a very important factor that distinguishes us from the rest. We proudly announce that our game is played in three different modes, each one of them more fun than the previous. The three gameplay modes are: circuit, time stamp, and massacre – yes its as scary as it sounds!

This time…

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Startup Life: When everyone is burned out

Burnt-Out-MomWhen we first started working on Wizzard Race we were expecting to finish Wizzard Race in 7-10 months. Although we are already doing final tweaking and are almost done, it has already been 13 months since the beginning of the project. As much as we love our game, we feel physically and emotionally exhausted. Oh, if only you could take vacation and get away for a couple of weeks.. We are tired of seeing pictures of our friends on facebook hanging out on the beach or by the pool. But we realize we can’t leave until we launch the game and then we can. I mean maybe we can.. So, is there a way to avoid this? Is there a way to plan things out in such a manner that you finish everything on time?

Our good ol’ friend Dilbert has the answer

The short answer is “No”. Startups have one common trait, they last forever. Entrepreneurs often fall into deception of thinking that they can finish things on time if they plan everything out. While planning is a good thing, startups are almost guaranteed to have delays. Some things will inevitably go wrong because for most of us, it is the first time doing it all on our own. These delays are very stressful and may drain you out. You are also under constant pressure from friends and family because they keep asking you whether you are done or not. The pressure from investors makes it even worse. Although you may be confident that your product will be completed soon, any delay for an investor is a red flag and their frustration may make things more stressful.

So, how do you deal with exhaustion and startup burnout?

downloadIt is the job of the entrepreneur to keep fighting even if there is absolutely no energy left. But how do you do that if you have worked 24/7 for 12 months and not only were you working hard yourself but it was your job to motivate others around you to work even hard. On top of that, you are not making as much money as at your normal job and your friends think that you have gone crazy because all you talk to them about is wizards and brooms. The answer is again very simple. To succeed as an entrepreneur, one must have endless passion and determination. It will help you ignore all the stress and negativity around you. Sometimes, you just need  to stop, take a break, think about how cool your team is and find strength that can lift you up again. Fight on as it is too late to back down! Your idea is awesome and soon everyone will know about it. Also, it would not hurt to take a break from your team and go running or hiking sometimes. Try to spend your spare time with people other than your startup colleagues.

As the first version of Wizzard Race will soon be available, we hope that you enjoy it and that we have enough energy and passion to keep improving it. And maybe, one day we will have vacation too and then be sure to see our beach pictures on your facebook feed 🙂


Wizzard Race: A Grand competition every 10K years

As we are about to launch our pioneer game, Wizzard Race, we thought it was the right time to give you an idea what the story behind the game is.

Wizzard Race Announcement Trailer

The good ol’ days of Gaming seem to be over

In the recent years the gaming industry grows like a baby whale grows 90 pounds every 24 hours. Around 200 hundred games with are submitted in the App Store daily of which the majority have been made within a few weeks with not much thought put into them. Some of these games do not even have a plot or story behind them. It seems like the good old days of gaming are gone, when the gamers were truly part of an amazing story. Wasn’t it better back then?

That is why from day one we strived to create something unique. We don’t want to be just another game dev company that produces games just for the sake of making money. In order to do that we have created our own world with its story and have built Wizzard Race around it.

So what is Wizzard Race? Where it comes from?

It came from old times, no one now knew from where, but it was said that every 10.000 years something truly magical occurred, the air itself was magical that day just like back in the Age of Ascension. And The Best Wizard of All would find out the truth of the magical event. Legends had it that on that day wizards could become stronger and more powerful than ever, even able to control the raw uncontrolled dark Ëneth! But only the Best of the Best could do it. After numerous arguments, duels, unnecessary deaths and quests for revenge, a race was invented. A race to prove who was the strongest, wisest, most powerful Wizard of Certamen.

I bet you are asking what is Ëneth? where is this Certamen and when was this age of ascension?

Ëneth is what the magical energy is known for in the legends, tales of the long gone past and mythical future. It came forth from the land of Lenærder, the dwelling of the mythical Lenær, for they remain a legend to this day, a mere myth to be told to young children.

When a fragment of Ëneth is discovered on a land, it creates a discord in nature’s laws. Where there is light, there is always dark. To keep chaos from destroying the peaceful lands, three Lenær leave their homeland and claim it, controlling the flow of the energy and keeping the equilibrium of its magical essence.

Ëneth came to what later would be known as the Land of Certamen in the form of a crystal blue stone. It appeared in the heart of an underwater volcano. The stone emitted its energy around into the mountain itself, essentially becoming one with it. With every eruption, the gazer sprouted magical essence of Ëneth in the air itself, thus slowly and gradually coating the land with mythical energy known only to the Lenær.

The latter came to the land after Ëneth was discovered, controlling the rough energy they were born from and maintaining the pure essence of it. They helped the magic spread through the air carefully in tenuous amounts, for it could easily kill a being when inhaled too much.

The Lenær created peace and prosperity. The water turned purer, the soil fertile, the very air, magical.

The leprechauns, one of the oldest races to dwell in the land named the unknown mythical thing that changed the very core of the Hearth Certa, which in their ancient tongue meant ‘magic’. They were the first to call their beloved home Certamen, Magic City.

This age was recorded later in history as the ‘Age of Ascension’.


As stated in the beginning of the post we didn’t want to create a game just for the sake of it, we wanted to create a different world for wizardkind. The stories and legends you have read in this post are just a small fraction of the game script. and more will come soon!

Please let us know if you like the story. Your feedback is certainly welcome.

In order to give you a better understanding we would like to present you The map of Certamen


Why is Wizzard Race so unique? Part 2

As we are getting close to the launch of Wizzard Race, we thought it would be good to share again the description of one of the main modes of the game-Timestamp. We have also updated the screenshots in the post.


In our previous blog posts we introduced you to the circuit mode of Wizzard Race, if you would like to go back and read that post click here. As the development of Wizard Race reaches the next stage we would like to present to you to the second mode of the game. Just like the first mode (Circuit mode) the second one is named accordingly and the name explains what the objective is. The second mode is called ‘timestamp’! Stamp your time in the record books and get rewarded!

The gameplay part of timestamp is played in landscape mode of the device. The timestamp mode track differs from the circuit mode track. In the circuit mode the player had to jump from one lane to another to avoid obstacles and the objective was to get to the finish line. In the timestamp mode there are no limits to the…

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Your Startup Idea will change

When we first started Pluxon, we had read in a lot of places and heard from many people that startups experience a lot of changes and pivoting in the first phases of the development. However, for some reason, we thought that since our idea was so firm in our minds,  we would never make any major changes and keep everything as it was originally planned. Besides, we thought we had clear understanding of what our potential players/users need. Well, as time went by, we realized that our game is going to be completely different from what he had envisioned before.

Vahe (Lead Magician at Pluxon) and Hayko (3D Artist) had the idea of making a wizard competition game long before we founded Pluxon and started working on Wizzard Race. However the original concept of the game was completely different. Being inspired by Harry Potter, they wanted to make a mobile game similar to Quidditch. However, as more people with different backgrounds and perspectives joined the team, we started asking ourselves about what it is that we want to create as a team. Do we want to imitate something that has already been created by someone else, or come up with something that we can call our own?

download (1)

We had people in our team who were really into racing and suggested that instead of a wizard sports game like Quidditch, we should make a wizard racing game. And that is how the idea of Wizzard Race was born. It would be a racing game with two modes (Timestamp and Massacre)…at least that’s what we thought.

When we finally had our main idea of the game down, we started working on the script and characters. We had to change three different sets of characters until we made the ones we really liked. At this point, we were confident that we would finish Wizzard Race in 4 months as we thought we had a perfect plan


However, we were soon to find out that the pivoting adventure was not yet over.

At the time, a lot of our team members including Vahe were really into endless runner games. So, one day, while we were working on Wizzard Race, someone came up with the idea of making an endless runner with wizards. We all thought it was a cool idea and that it should be our next game. However, as the game was still in early development stage, someone from the team suggested to include in Wizzard Race as an additional mode. And, of course, no one had any objections and the plan was modified again. The idea was to include it as another mode, except it wouldn’t be an endless runner, it would be a rider (as wizards are riding on broomsticks) and it would have an end.

In a course of 10 months, Pluxon went through a series of pivots and fundamental changes. Other changes include changing the name from “Wizard Race” to “Wizzard Race”, making changes to the script and a gazillion of tweaks in the gameplay and game logic. Most of those decisions were influenced either by team members or gamers whose opinion is very important to us. Being able to quickly adapt new ideas and analyze the feedback from users requires a lot of agility and courage. Disregarding emotions you possess towards the original idea and recognizing the need to change is critical for the success of a startup.

Long story short, Be like Spock from Star Trek!

download (2)

As we are getting ready for the launch of the first version of Wizzard Race, we have already planned the introduction of subsequent updates and versions of the game. However, we also remain very focused and reactive to incorporate any signals that we would get from the market.

Although we are very much open to pivoting, we are just as passionate about our idea as we were before the journey started.

Why is Wizzard Race so unique? Part 3

As we are getting close to the launch of Wizzard Race, we thought it would be good to share again the description of one of the main modes of the game-Massacre. We have also updated the screenshots in the post.


We keep saying that our game is unique and strive to prove that everyday. In our previous blog posts we introduced you to the circuit mode and timestamp mode of Wizzard Race. We are ready to present the third and final part of our series.

Here it comes!

Massacre (10)

The most anticipated of them all, we present to you, the Massacre mode.

Massacre (5)

This mode has been voted as the company favorite by our team. The Massacre mode which is the most aggressive mode of the game is full of adrenaline and battles. In this mode of the game the only possibility of collecting gold is to kill enemy racers using basic and advanced magic skills. The player who has the most kills and gets to the finish line first wins the race. Image

Throughout the game there are multiple upgrades in initial broomsticks and wondersticks and even on some magic skills of…

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